Something bad, a cold sore, sports saddening, The Office

It would be nice if Microsoft Outlook supported icons or some other visual indicator so that one would know if one hit "Reply" or "Reply All". You know, like avatars for recipients of the current mail message. Gmail seems to be but one step away from this, though it doesn't seem likely that they'll implement it, in keeping with their practical "text-only" aesthetic.

I was just about to say "Not much going on" but in reality a whole bucket-load of crap-like material has hit the proverbial wind-making device. Can't go into it on-line, but suffice to say it sucks for me. Sucks in a pretty, pretty, pretty, soul-stealing way.

Speaking of things that suck, cold sores! Again! For feck's sake man. Truly, nothing is more fun than walking around sporting a fresh, reddened cold sore. And by "fun", I do mean "making one feel so very socially low, a veritable pariah". I am trying apple cider vinegar this time around, which I can attest is milder than hydrogen peroxide but smells like the most freakishly disgusting brew one can imagine. Yeah, staying in sounds good to me.

Continuing of the suck-theme, Raptors and Calgary Flames. Last night's Raptor's game pushed me back over the edge, into the realm wherein I care not how they do, such a capricious and arbitrary beast is their game.

Finished season 3 of The Office. Woo! Man that show really satisfies. I don't understand how there can be a 4th season however, as it really seemed like all the ends were wrapped up in the "hour-long" season finale. I say "hour-long" because it's really only about 40 minutes, meaning that commercials made up 1/3 of the show. Disgusting.

Finally, let me say that Kudos is Greek for "magical glory".


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