Cold ride, foggy mind, looking for an escape

Cold the weather be, around 2 C outside now. And tired I be, having ridden home in it with naught but a thin shell and sweater. I added some cellphone pictures to my flickr account, some of which are very old. I have some more which I'll add later. These should be plenty for now. Odd, it seems flickr is.. oh curse it, my adblock is killing a script on the flickr page causing it to appear all wacky. Nuts.

Work? Well, it's getting on, getting on. Not really thinking about it much now. What I have been thinking about is going on vacation, though I know not where. I do know that I want to get away from the English language, strange as that may sound, but hear me out. These days my mind seems full of junk, just crammed with memories and thoughts and plain old garbage, like so many half-opened boxes and spilled containers. Overflowing with piddle. Concentration takes real effort, like surfing on a rubbish-filled sea. Does that even make sense? Where is my mind in all this? So many ideas pulling here, so many voices pushing there.

The point is, I'd like to forget, for a while anyway, words, words and their qualifications and their identifying and their evaluations. It's not as easy as it sounds. My new sleeping technique is to try to only listen to my breathing, to clear my mind without thinking of the words "clear my mind", to be aware but not have that conscious layer that interprets and judges and doubts. I suppose meditation is what I want to do.


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