Be Kind Rewind

Saw Be Kind Rewind and found it clever, cute and very amusing, with plenty of that signature Michel Gondry perspective skewing. I was however slightly disappointed that the film didn't have more depth to it. I guess comparing it to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a bit unfair, but I was definitely expecting more meat than was delivered. Still, I had a good time and that's enough.

I played poker on Friday but in hindsight I don't really want to talk about it. Suffice to say I played against a bunch of strangers and did awful. I played late and was tired, which again gives credence to the theory that I suck at poker when fatigued.

I've bitten my tongue twice very harshly within the last 24 hours. What does it mean? I mean, other than being aggravated every time I eat cereal and crackers.


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