Rock Band, Serbian meal, Korean food culture

I wanted to mention that I got to try the drums with Rock Band this past Monday, which I guess was St. Patrick's Day. I enjoyed it but I'm pretty sure I prefer playing the guitar parts. The feedback on the drums is not nearly as rewarding. Frankly, I can't quite place what the real draw of "Guitar Hero"-type games are. I guess it's a very easy way to "play" an instrument and requires a lot less skill. Sure does seem to reward drunkeness. But no, it IS fun. I would like to play again but I think I would prefer doing so in the privacy of my own home.

Oh, I also wanted to briefly describe the food I had Wednesday night at a Serbian restaurant, which is actually just down the street from my place. We started with a few apps: warm bread with an oily cream cheese, a salad that was similar to Greek salad only without olives, and a plate of cold cuts and cheeses. My entrée was this kind of chicken cordon bleu, only it was in a long log shape with lots of cream cheese (or something very much like) inside. The outside was very crispy but not too oily which I liked. The log (I can't remember its Serbian name) came with rice, potatoes and a coleslaw. A couple of my dinner mates had these sausages with cheddar cheese inside them which I did try and liked as well, though I am not much of a meat-eater these days. All in all, a very heavy and very carnivorous meal, one that gave me dreaded NBS: noisy bowel syndrome.

Speaking of gastronomic adventures, did you know that in Korea "Dog Days (of summer)" (in and around August) refer to days when dog meat is more popular? It's freaking hilarious! The theory is that eating dog meat replenishes nutrients lost due to excessive sweating. Between this and fan death... well, I really don't know what to say! I suppose all cultures have their little crazy theories and superstitions, but Dog Days really does make me laugh. Oh, supposedly the meat is very flavourful and tender and is easily digested, and as such is given to sick people alongside chicken with ginseng soup. I still find the thought of eating dog distasteful, but there's no need to re-open that old chestnut is there?

I had some jajangmyeon with my tutor yesterday at some Korean place near Yonge and Finch. When I looked up that wiki entry, I saw that Korea has a Black Day wherein singles eat jajangmyeon. Bah! I like jajangmyeon a lot, and it has nothing to do with my current relationship status! Why can't we just eat our black-sauce noodles in peace? It really winds me up it does.


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