Trying to learn Korean, getting bike fenders, Big Train

Day two of the Easter long weekend. I didn't have any concrete plans, other than my Korean lesson today. Have I mentioned that I am (slowly) learning Korean (again)? Well, I decided to under the pretense of wanting to talk to my grandma who was in physio for a few weeks. The going is pretty slow, but I should be getting a teach-yourself book soon. So, that takes up a bit of my time these days.

I would ride my bicycle but it is still in the shop for a tune-up. I'm also getting some splash-guards installed, after how many years? Eighteen or something like that, during which I've been prey to skunk-back. I've avoided using them because I worried that a) they look dorky and b) they would slow me down. Both of these seem rather silly to me now. I hardly care about how I look anymore. Well, I try to look like I don't care about how I look.

I haven't been playing a lot of games. Watched a few more episodes of the second season of Big Train. I'm not sure why but they do not feel as funny as the first. I think my favourite episode was the very first one, what with the horse-jumpers and the distracting boss.

I did watch last night's Leafs game versus Buffalo in its entirety. Now THAT is silly.


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