Movie night, poker night, TTC calculator

Saw two movies over the weekend, Little Miss Sunshine and The Lives of Others. Both pretty good, The Lives of Others worth a second or third viewing. Little Miss Sunshine was cute and but still managed to deliver, despite the praise I heard about it, as such accolades tend to raise my expectations too far.

Played some Eglinton poker Friday night, small $0.10/$0.20 games. I lost my initial $10 in the first couple of hours, but I gained much of it back with a Q9o and QJT flop. I went heads up against AA and was saved by a 9 on the river. I figured I had 13 outs (two Qs, three 9s, four Ks and four 8s) before the turn, so it was a fair all-in situation for me. I ended the night exactly $2 up. Unfortunately the taxi ride home, having finished playing around 4 am and nary a bus in sight, ate up much of my satisfaction.

I spent the better part of an hour making a simple TTC fare savings calculator to see how much TTC Metropasses are really worth. A fun, if somewhat mundane, Sunday night project. I do wish the TTC would improve its service, if only in frequency.


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