Still hate Rogers, looking forward to biking, reading about the OLPC

Funny how I seem to now be in the habit of updating at night. Got a bunch of small banking chores done today, paying bills and moving money around. I've decided to get rid of my cellphone voicemail. I mean, I hardly use my phone as it is. A bit drastic perhaps but I simply cannot stand the thought of giving Rogers more money than I can minimally do.

The weather appears to finally, quickly, be warming up. Nothing like a little sun to lighten the heart. Need to get my bike tuned, yessiree. Soon I will no longer be subject to the whims of the capricious 504 streetcar schedule.

I spent the last half hour or so reading some really inspiring OLPC stories: First OLPC deployment: now it's real, Astounded in Arahuay, OLPC Mongolia/Ulaanbaatar, OLPC Peru/Arahuay, Khairat, India, Ban Samkha, Thailand, Galadima, Nigeria. Oh man these stories are just.. oh they are too much! I really wish I could be more involved....


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