Getting into go

Holy cow when did China get so good at curling? Has this always been the case? I'm watching the women's world championship and Canada is losing 7-2? Wha?? Am I really off-base here with that comment? Hmmm possibly..

I spent a few evenings playing Escape game [VISION] which I am finding to be exceptionally difficult. I was able to finish the first two but man this is really .. just too much. Ok, I'm blabbing here about everything I see. No, I am not drunk. Did I mention I'm drinking less these days? Laughable but true. So many things, so many details. Where was I? Oh right yes health. Really? No.

Ok sorry this is not starting well. I wanted to originally say that I think I might be trying to do too many things these days. There's Korean, there's my websites, there's computer games, there's go, there's reading and movies and TV shows to catch up on. Hmmm, I'm really beginning to hate this entry and I'm not exactly sure why? Boring? Full of lies? Mostly boring.

Go! Yes, I've taken up go, going so far as to buy a couple books and invest in a handsome board and stones. There's something very satisfying about playing on that thing, slamming those stones down or just picking one out of the bowl. The patterns that emerge are wonderful, beautiful. Of course I'm still very much the amateur and playing go just highlights my inability to concentrate, a constant fuzz in my mind. On the other hand, I do feel my mind clearing up, cobwebs brushed aside when I play. Anyway yeah... go!

Ok, so the deal with this crappy journal entry is that I'm limiting my editing, my removal of sentences and thoughts, my self-censoring that I normally exhibit when writing here. I usually give my entries a thorough once-over, clean up concepts and such. Today I have not. So, take that as it is.

March is still pretty damn cold! I'm totally ready for the warmer weather!


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