drinks and film talk

At least the weather is warming up. Oh, and yes, my cold has much improved since yesterday. Well, that is to say, my misery has moved from my mind to my throat. But one's mind is one's self, so I am nearly back to normal. Went for drinks after work (I only had soup and salad), talked of birthdays, social defenses (and lack thereof), No Country for Old Men (I now plan to read the book, as I am not convinced that his other weapon was a silenced shotgun), the bottled water industry (may it rot in the discarded plastic hell it hath made for itself), Control (and Ian Curtis' viewing of Stroszek the night before his suicide), emergency services (and good Samaritans), Facebook apps (and the imaginary crazy money involved with them). Also, the waitress brought two unrequested drinks during our debates! Unrequested, yet we paid for them. Alas the drunkard's dilemma.


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